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Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
01 INNOVA REAR TIRE 25 X 10.0-12 (DOT) 30703-1213
02 ALUM. RIM CAP (CHROME WITH CF LOGO ) 7020-070101-1000
03 SPLIT PIN 30903-0504010 Sold in quantities of 6
04 NUT M24X2 30219-247810 Sold in quantities of 6
05 WASHER 30306-240810 Sold in quantities of 6
06 NUT, ALUMINUM RIM CHROME PLATED 9010-070002-A000 Sold in quantities of 4
07 INFLATION VALVE 5190-070030-1000
08 REAR RIM 7020-110100-1B000
08 REAR STEEL RIM 7020-110100-1V100
Inventory coming soon
08 REAR ALUM. RIM 9010-110100-20000
08 REAR ALUM. RIM 9010-110100-2B200
Inventory coming soon
08 REAR RIM MATTE BLACK 12" 9030-110100-20000
09 HUB, REAR WHEEL (LONG SPLINE) 9010-110001-1000
10 BOLT, FRONT AND REAR WHEEL HUB 9010-070201 Sold in quantities of 4
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