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Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
1 FRONT FENDER (BLACK) 9060-040101-1B00
1 FRONT FENDER (RED) 9060-040101-1R40
Inventory coming soon
2 FRONT STORAGE 9060-040103
Inventory coming soon
3 FRONT TOP COVER (BLACK) 9060-040102-0B00
3 FRONT TOP COVER (RED) 9060-040102-0R40
4 DASHBOARD PANEL 9060-040106-10000
5 FRONT FENDER FLARE (LH) 9060-040009
6 FRONT FENDER FLARE (RH) 9060-040011
8 WASHER 6 30301-060412 Sold in quantities of 6
Inventory coming soon
9 CUPBOARD BUTTON 9060-040105 Sold in quantities of 6
10 SCREW, SOUNDBOX COVER 5BY0-000303 Sold in quantities of 6
11 RUBBER COLLAR, CUPBOARD BUTTON 9060-040151 Sold in quantities of 6
12 BOLT M6x16 30006-060016870
13 TAPPING SCREW ST4.8×16 30110-480160010 Sold in quantities of 6
14 CLAMP, NUT M6 8030-040800-00001 Sold in quantities of 6
15 RUBBER, LICENSE PLATE BRACKET (FR) 5020-031001 Sold in quantities of 6
16 BODYWORK PUSH RIVET 9060-040310 Sold in quantities of 6
17 SWITCH HOLE COVER 9060-040108-10000
18 BOLT M6x20 30006-060020870 Sold in quantities of 6
19 BOLT M6x12 30006-060012870 Sold in quantities of 6
20 FILLER, ENGINE OIL 7030-200101
21 HOSE, OIL FILLER 7000-200101
22 LOCK COVER 9060-040109
23 STICKER , FRONT REFLECTOR 9060-190013-10000
Inventory coming soon
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